the All Britain Fleadh
fleadh Cheoil na breataine returns for 2025 and will be held on
27-29th OF jUNE
Midlands Region
Congratulations to Máire Doolin and Margaret Webster for winning the Gradam Seirbhise award. Followed by Karen Ryan, Anna O’Hare and Barbra Aherne for being awarded the Gradam na hEigse.
Pléaracha agus Scoraíocht Competitions
Pléaracha agus Scoraíocht are performances that incorporates Irish Traditional singing, instruments, dancing and storytelling with scenery to bring it all together. The groups can involve 12-45 performers and range between 25-35 minutes long.
The All-Ireland Fleadh Pléaracha & Scoraíocht competitions are held on 25-26th of January 2025. If you and your branch want to participate please email us for support before end of 2024.
Listen to Maura Flannery discuss how Leeds CCÉ organised productions back in the 1990s and describe what a Pléaracha & Scoraíocht competitions look like.