Investors in People Results
23rd of September 2023
We conducted a survey with Investors in People to see how our community feels about Comhaltas in Britain. We thought we would share those findings with you and how we're taking on board your responses to make us a better organisation. Thank you to everybody who took part as we appreciate your time and effort.
What We are Proud of
80.9% of responses strongly agreed and agreed that they trusted the leaders of the organisation
89.9%strongly agreed and agreed that they understood the vision and objectives of the organisation
88.6% strongly agreed and agreed that they were able to work well with others and felt collaboration was a strong area.
85.4% of people said that the organisation was a great place to volunteer
88.8% said that the organisation had a plan for the future.
"People said the nature of their volunteering meant they were empowered to organise events and make decisions. They said that they became involved as a way of giving back for the value they had gained from their involvement and membership from a young age."
What We are Working on
There were higher levels of neither agree nor disagree to the statements, “My organisation develops great leaders” and, “My manager motivates me to achieve my best” at 19% and 19.1% respectively.
There were higher levels of neither agree nor disagree and disagree for the statement, “I challenge behaviours which don’t match the organisations values” at 12.3%.
"When asked where they accessed information, people weren’t always clear where this was stored, some referred to the website, others said they would ask their chair or secretary."
"People weren’t able to articulate how collective performance and impact was measured and collated other than qualitatively through the annual reporting process."
Changes We're Making
Continue striving for our 3 year strategy and involving members in enacting our values.
Continue collecting data and understanding how we measure impact outside the annual reporting process.
Continue to support our leadership roles.
Looking at out our training and how to make it more convenient for our volunteers.
Looking at how volunteers access resources to support them in managing projects and events.
Looking to formalise the volunteering progression routes through the organisation. Making it easier to recognise people who have leadership potential and create our own talent.
We'll be conducting a similar survey in 2025 to see how we can continue our work.